Hello, my name is Pastor Amos Jean, of the Philadelphia Evangelical Baptist Church, and it is at this time and opportunity that I’d to share with you information that might prove to be valuable to your growth and wellness; at best, if we might reveal to be a resource in your personal growth and development, then our time will not have been spent in vain.
We started out over a decade ago with a congregation that has grown to be a marked presence within the community of Baptist churches. Since, our humble beginnings, I’ve gone on to equip myself in ministry, thus accomplishing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Ministry towards counseling for singles and couples; we present many opportunities for personal growth and development in Christian services that’s inclusive in the bonds of fellowship.
There are many and varying opportunities that you can access throughout our website for your consideration. We want you to know that the holy huddle of fellowship proves to be an inclusive environment for spiritual growth and empowerment. Our services incorporate lively praise and worship creating an atmosphere of enthusiastic adoration of God. Her within our congregation we experience new beginnings that occur on a daily basis.

We the men of Philadelphia Evangelical Baptist Church (PEBC), invite you to come over and help us help others. Through this shared effort, we encounter what today’s men go through, in that “man that is born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble!”
We as men acknowledge that we don’t have all of the answers, but iron sharpens iron, and as we come together to sit together, we both learn and grow stronger together. The master admonished us, “when we are converted, strengthen thy brother.” Come and join us that we can be a light shining out of the darkness. We have personal and group counseling; come help us help ourselves to help others

Within the gathering of our young circle of youths, you’ll find good kids from varying families coming together with the intent of lifting Christ in us, the hope of glory. It is our intent to encourage these young adults to go and grow fearlessly living their lives by having faith in God’s faithfulness. Here, they learn to trust God on a daily basis and evangelize their community through dialoguing with others and inviting them into their godly circles, as they keep them updated with upcoming events within the church activities.

Hello, here at Philadelphia Evangelical Baptist Church, you’ll find a haven for rest:
Rest from wearisome woes; Rest from tears untold, and Rest from heart-ships of old. These are the cares that we as women daily bear, yet the world never knows what we quietly share. Yet, at PEBC, we are empowered to assist in giving new beginnings, which becoming daily occurrences.
We invite you to come out for your time of empowerment; we have both group and personal counseling, which allows you to glow and grow your borders with practical biblical principles that can be applied throughout your everyday living. We help build lives so that you can help build others!

Kid’s corner ministries present us with uniquely challenging opportunities in presenting the gospel to our kids with a lot of fun fellowship included. We find real-life scenarios to interact with children to help kids understand how the Bible impacts and applies throughout their lives. Bring your kid in for food, fun, and fantastic adventures for growth in faith!